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Power Delivery Substation Grid Investment

Grid Investment

Mississippi Power continuously invests in improvements to build and maintain a safer, stronger, smarter and more reliable power grid.

We've incorporated smart grid technologies and self-healing networks that can automatically isolate problems and restore service to affected areas in a matter of seconds, to get the lights back on faster for our customers.

System Improvements

Storm Hardening & Restoration

Our service territory is prone to impacts from Mother Nature, including thunderstorms, tornadoes and hurricanes. To ensure we are prepared in the event of a storm, we are hardening our infrastructure, making physical changes to reduce the impact from storm damage due to high winds, flooding and falling trees.

By elevating substations in flood-prone areas, swapping out wooden poles for steel and concrete ones and installing additional automated devices on the system, we are making our grid less susceptible to impacts from storms. All of this reduces the length of customer outages following a storm event.

elevated substation
lineman installing Grid investment